齒輪油 |
Magna-Plate FG ISO Gear Oils |
食品級半合成齒輪油系列 |
NSF H1 |
ISO 220FG, 320FG, 460FG |
這些為半合成輕油型齒輪油,加有耐剪切V.I.改良劑。可用於以前的食品級潤滑油所不能勝任的齒輪箱應用中。其優良的工作特性可降低工作溫度、減少摩擦、與齒輪磨損。其高膜強度對正齒輪、斜齒輪、傘齒輪、螺旋齒輪、行星齒輪與蝸輪具有極好的潤滑性。 |
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Magna-Plate 320 FG HG3 |
JAX Magna-Plate 320FG-HG3 is manufactured from shear-stable, high quality white oils and 100% synthetic base oils and is fortified with the most advanced additive technology available to deliver the highest levels of performance in food-grade industrial gear application. While specifically designed to provide unequaled corrosion protection, Magna-Plate 320FG-HG3 also reduces maintenance costs by extending drain intervals and providing enhanced protection against wear and pitting. |
MSDS (物質安全資料表)下載 |
Cylinder Oil-FG |
汽缸油 |
NSF H1 |
This state-of-the-art gear oil incorporates the latest developments in food-grade lubrication technology. With reduced operating temperatures, reduced friction and minimal gear wear, it can be used in gear box applications previously thought too severe for food-grade lubricants. |
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Flow-Guard Synthetic Fluids |
F-G食品級合成油系列 |
NSF H1 |
100%合成 |
ISO Grades 22 through 680 |
JAX Flow-Guard合成系列食品級油使用100%的PAO基油和目前最好的添加劑技術配製而成,其性能遠遠優於競爭性食品級潤滑油。除了其出眾的齒輪箱性能外,這些產品還能滿足食品加工環境中的其他許多潤滑要求。它們含有高效抗磨劑、防銹劑與聚合增粘劑,比其他 食品級油更具長期抗磨損優勢,其出眾的抗氧化化學特性可保證長期的抗排、無積炭地工作。 |
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Perma-Gear FG Fluids |
NSF H1 |
100%合成 |
ISO 150, 220, 320, 460, and 680 |
JAX Perma-Gear FG Fluids are state-of-the-art fluids incorporating the latest developments in 100% synthetic food plant lubrication technology. The base fluids used are linear polymers of ethylene and propylene oxide, commonly known as Polyalkylene Glycols. These fluids exhibit extremely high viscosity indices, improved lubricity and provide meaningful energy savings in gear box applications. |
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ISO 150, 220, 320, 460 |
FGG-AW Series food-grade gear oils are shear-stable, long-life lubricants based on high quality, USP white mineral base oils. They contain proprietary, optimized combinations of antiwear agents, rust inhibitors, and polymeric viscosity improvers that provide outstanding long-term wear advantages over other food-grade gear oils. |
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Multi-Purpose Gear Oils |
多用途齒輪油系列 |
NSF H2 |
SAE 85W90, 85W140 |
以上潤滑油為重型,完全配置的汽車機械齒輪油,適用於建築、重型貨車、採礦與農業機械。它們達到了Mack GO-J以及MIL-PRF-2105E,GL-4,GL-5與MT-1人力操縱傳動的規格要求。它們具有極佳的熱穩定性,符合止滑要求,並採用了清潔齒輪技術。 |
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Syngear-GL Gear Oils |
合成齒輪油系列-GL |
100%合成 |
SAE 75W90, 80W140 |
Syngear為重載型GL-2到GL-5純合成齒輪潤滑油。它們可用於指定了GL-2到5,MACK GO-J與GO-J Plus的卡車差動或傳動。它們的優點是在惡劣的環境條件下排油間隔時間很長。在各種條件下,特別是在低溫條件下,它們能提高燃油的效率。這些齒輪油也可用于標準礦物油不能達到令人滿意的效果時的各種公路與工業應用。 |
MSDS (物質安全資料表)下載 |
H-P Industrial Gear Oils |
H-P工業齒輪油系列 |
NSF H2 |
ISO 68, 100, 150, 220 320, 460, 680 |
這些高優質礦物齒輪油符合AGMA對工業齒輪油的技術要求。它們介於2到8個極壓,能用於傘齒輪、斜齒輪、人字齒輪、正齒輪與蝸輪裝置。它們具有出眾的防磨損、防泡沫與極好的隔水性能。 |
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Synax EP Industrial Gear Oils |
合成極壓工業齒輪油系列 |
NSF H2 |
100%合成 |
ISO 150, 220, 320, 460, 680 |
這些合成齒輪油使用耐剪切、高優質100%合成基油生產而成,並使用最先進的添加劑技術加強,在工業齒輪應用中具有最佳性能。它們能與礦物齒輪油、合成齒輪油與密封件相容,能保護新密封件,防止漏油,並有助於恢復舊的脆性密封件。 |
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ISO 460 |
JAX Worm Gear Lube XC is a premium lubricant designed and recommended for use in enclosed worm gear box lubrication and steam cylinders. It is especially suitable for splash-lubricated, heavy-duty, enclosed worm gear sets and steam cylinders that are subjected to high steam pressures and superheating. The film-forming abilities and thermally-stable base stocks provide superior performance in these applications. |
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ISO 150, 220, 320, 460 |
該油使用高粘度指標基油與無酸牛脂和其他添加劑配製而成。建議在蒸汽汽缸、密封蝸輪驅動裝置、高於3000psi的壓縮機汽缸、低轉速重型齒輪、封閉的鏈條與需要使用AGMA#8複合油的應用中使用。 |
MSDS (物質安全資料表)下載 |
Magna-Plate PIV Gear Oils |
100%合成 |
ISO 68, I00, 150 |
These are 100% synthetic and friction-modified gear oils formulated for exceptional performance in PIV continuous variable drive applications. The frictional characteristics of our exclusive additive chemistry and the long-drain-capable synthetic base fluids will dramatically increase the component life of these expensive and exotic power transfer drives, greatly reducing downtime and costly overhauls. |
MSDS (物質安全資料表)下載 - ISO 68 |
MSDS (物質安全資料表)下載 - ISO 100, 150 |
Magna-Plate Gear Oils |
M-P鉬齒輪油系列 |
NSF H2 |
90, 140, 90MV, 140MV |
Magna-Plate齒輪油為完全配製的汽車/工業齒輪油,加有鉬添加劑以增強耐磨損特性。它們是作為節能型齒輪潤滑油而開發的,用於卡車差動部件。它們還適用於工作條件惡劣、需要降溫或節省能源的工業應用。 |
MSDS (物質安全資料表)下載 - 90, 140 |
MSDS (物質安全資料表)下載 - 90MV, 140MV |
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Syngear Industrial Gear Oils |
合成工業齒輪油系列 |
NSF H2 |
100%合成 |
ISO Grades 22 through 680 |
這些齒輪油使用100%的高端合成基油與優質添加劑製成。它們通過保持粘性、耐受高溫與氧化降解,加入耐磨損添加劑,防止生銹和耐受水的降解效應而保護設備。 |
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Perma-Gear Synthetic |
ISO 100, 150, 220, 320, 460, 680 |
JAX Perma-Gear Synthetic Gear Oils are state-of-the-art fluids incorporating the latest developments in 100% synthetic industrial lubrication technology. These fluids exhibit extremely high viscosity indices, improved lubricity and provide meaningful energy savings in gearbox applications. |
MSDS (物質安全資料表)下載 |